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Danny Baker, Director

Updated: Jul 2, 2020

Clinic Re-Opening

Please read ALL of this information carefully!

With the updated guidelines from the Government and slight relaxation of lock-down measures, it is now confirmed by the Government that I am able to re-open, but under a very specific set of circumstances, so please read everything below very carefully!

In the updated list of businesses exempt from closure (above column right) physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths etc are legally allowed to be open. Due to the fact that I provide a medical service and that my business can help to offload the NHS demand for GP & outpatient MSK appointments in hospital settings, my governing body wrote to the Government for us to be classified as key workers- which has been accepted- I am therefore legally allowed to re-open... Again, there is a specific vetting process implemented by my professional governing body to warrant a Face-to-Face appointment, which is detailed below:

There is also a detailed flowchart (below) that explains the patient pathway for obtaining a Face-to-Face appointment.

I will, for the time being, still not be accepting online bookings in order to allow me to complete the vetting process for an appropriate F2F appointment. In short, a warranted F2F appointment has to meet the following criteria as per my governing body's guidelines:

***Evaluating the clinical need for F2F and defining “urgent”*** Currently, virtual treatment should remain the default method of providing care. However, urgent need may be identified where one (or more) of the following is present:

● I have a suspicion that there are “red-flags” present (peripheral, spinal or systemic) and they need a F2F assessment to confirm, or to advise appropriately.

● There is risk of serious pathology that requires a F2F appointment for an appropriate assessment.

● The presenting condition is having a significant impact on Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) and/or Quality of Life (QOL)* and without F2F assessment and treatment this condition will continue to worsen to the detriment of the patient; this also applies to key or essential workers as per the government guidelines, who are prevented from returning to work because of their condition. If you do not meet this criteria, I will not provide a F2F appointment as this will invalidate my license agreement and public liability insurance. I will therefore NOT be offering Sports Massages as a standalone treatment/service whilst only "urgent" appointments are permitted. Anyone that is doing this is effectively breaking the terms of practice and the current guidelines. ***For your health, safety & peace of mind*** 1. All BASRaT (my Governing body) Registrants/Clinicians are covered by the BASRaT block policy public liability insurance scheme. The block policy continues to provide cover for F2F appointments. Clinics of this nature are legally allowed to be open. 2. As part as putting myself forward for NHS work, I have completed over 139 certifications relating to Infection Control, Hygiene Practice, PPE, Clinical Guidelines/Governance and Operating Procedures. 3. I will not be treating anyone over the age of 70; anyone that is classed as clinically vulnerable; or anyone that has ANY form of sickness/illness within 7 days of the F2F appointment. In order to uphold the safest possible environment for myself and my clients. 4. Yes, I will be wearing full PPE. As per the Public Health England and Governing Body Guidelines. No it is not a legal requirement for my clients to wear PPE, however it is my personal preference that you wear gloves and a mask at minimum. I am wearing PPE to protect you so I ask that you do the same- I will not accept the appointment otherwise. 5. I will be deep cleaning and disinfecting thoroughly in between appointments, as per the current Clinical Infection Control procedures. Please allow a longer change-over time between appointments so that I can carry these measures out as appropriately and effectively as possible. This will include appropriate disposal of single use PPE (and hygiene roll), disinfecting of medical equipment and clinical furniture. (I will likely aim to book appointments no closer than 30 minutes apart.) Full infection control and PPE procedures can be found here: Further details of my legal right to open, and the patient vetting process can be found here: My issue is "Urgent" How Do I Book? If you feel as though you have an urgent symptom/pain/ injury- please contact me via email or by using the contact form on my website. Again, I am withholding the ability to book online for now, in order to uphold this assessment and vetting process. I will then conduct the appropriate online assessments and vetting process with a view to securing you a F2F appointment. I will be asking ALL clients who have requested a F2F appointment to conduct a small online assessment as part of the vetting process and to minimise non-essential contact during the F2F appointment. I reserve the right to refuse a F2F appointment if I feel it does not meet the stringent vetting criteria in order to protect myself, my family, my clients and also my license to practice. I will also be obtaining a signed informed consent form before conducting any F2F appointments. Please direct all questions and enquiries to:

***Priority Listing*** If your issue is non-urgent, but you require an appointment when I am able to facilitate further services, I am creating a priority list. Please email me if you would like to be included on this list so that I can prioritise an appointment for you when restrictions are further lifted. P.S. I am very aware that a few people have pre-paid for some sessions upfront , prior to the lock-down coming into effect. I will of course honour these appointment(s)- and they still stand! If your issue is urgent in nature, I will of course facilitate the appointment- however if it is classified as non-urgent, legally I still cannot facilitate the appointment. I will however ensure that you are a priority when I am able to facilitate "non-urgent" appointments. I hope you can understand. ***When Will I Be Open & Accepting Urgent Appointments?*** Legally, I can be open effective immediately, however I will not be opening just yet. I want and need to carry out the appropriate risk assessment procedures and source the appropriate PPE in order to re-open safely & effectively to uphold the safest environment for myself and my clients. I will be targeting the 1st of June, and will keep you updated with any changes from myself, my governing body, the government & Public Health England. For now. Stay safe, stay alert and continue to look after one another.


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